Saturday, May 18, 2013


A couple weeks ago, a dear friend arrived for an all too brief visit in Marfa. He seemed healthy, happy and focused, despite his somewhat erratic vagabond lifestyle. Having wrestled with insomnia and anxiety for much of his life (like so many of us from time to time), I was immediately interested in what had caused such a glittering and calm change in his outlook. Was he drinking more/less coffee? Was he newly gluten-free? Prescription drugs? Alas, it was none of the above. In fact, in addition to recent creative successes, he told me (in a low voice conveying his sincerity):
I know it sounds super cheesy, but a gentleman told me to starting writing down three things I'm grateful for every day. Even if it's just sunshine or ponies or whatever. Three things; every day. And it really works! It trains the brain to seek out the good and filter out the terrible, frustrating, no-good thoughts that so often pull me into a spiraling Vortex of Bad.  It's the best habit I've picked up in the last 6 months. 
What a fantastic exercise! It reminds me of a song I learned as a child--"Count your many blessings, name them one by one..." Focus on The Good. Appreciate the delicate pretty things around you, as well as the strength of the unique. Consider ocotillo in bloom, a monster with a heart of gold, or a cake with bunny ears. (FYI: Tina Frey's bunny cake-stand now at Mirth!)

I just acquired this lovely little Sakai notebook and a Blackwing pencil for jotting down my 3 things every day. Join me in focusing on the bright/good/mirthful?

-Ariele for Mirth

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