Thursday, September 5, 2013

3/4 VIEW

The 3/4 view is a perspective used in image making to capture an object, person or place in the third dimension. As I shot the iPhone photos above, I struggled to reconcile this perspective's purpose--my mind a nerve-like cylinder with lense, breathing in and out, grasping for perfect focus. Do the photos indicate a more or less whole picture of the building? Is this image more whole than my own ideas? How do we process an image with three-dimensional perspective as opposed to one with two? Does this extra bit of information--the twist of an angle or another wall exposed--allow us to perceive more or less? My experience is that we all view the world, its shapes and parallels quite differently.

Walter Benjamin wrote, "The camera introduces us to unconscious optics as does psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses."  

-Jessica for Mirth

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